Vauna Beauvais Vauna Beauvais

Why I’m an Identity-Based Therapist and Why It Matters For Clients Mental Health.

Vauna Beauvais’s Neuroaffirming Therapy for Autistic and ADHD Clients

Vauna offers neuroaffirming therapy for autistic and ADHD clients, and illustrates in this blog post the relevance to mental health of embracing one's neurodivergent identity.

Vauna offers neuroaffirming therapy for autistic and ADHD clients and illustrates in this blog post the relevance to mental health of embracing one's neurodivergent identity.

As an autistic psychotherapist with ADHD herself, Vauna understands firsthand the challenges but also strengths of being neurodivergent. Her own experiences fuel her passion for helping clients develop a positive self-concept.

In her neuroaffirming approach, underpinning whatever else the client has come to therapy about, Vauna focuses on validating clients’ neurodivergent identity. Sessions explore the gifts and talents unique to being neurodivergent, in addition to exploring any conflicts or risks about this.

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Vauna Beauvais Vauna Beauvais

My Joy At Being Awarded Post Grad Cert in Autism

Vauna Beauvais, psychotherapist, expresses joy about being awarded the Post Graduate certificate in Autism, awarded by Sheffield Hallam University, and designed and delivered by Dr Luke Beardon, a respected prominent thought-leader in autism and improving the lives of autistic people.

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